2. Palatine Process of Maxilla
3. Palatine
4. Greater Palatine Foramen
5. Lesser Palatine Foramen
6. Pterygoid Processes of Sphenoid
7. Zygomatic Process
8. Squamous Part of Temporal Bone
9. Mandibular Fossa
10. Styloid Process
11. Stylomastoid Foramen
12. Mastoid Process
13. Mastoid Foramen
14. Superior Nuchal Line
15. External Occipital Protruberance
16. Median Nuchal Line
17. Inferior Nuchal Line
18. Foramen Magnum
19. Condyloid Canal
20. Occipital Condyle
21. Hypoglossal Canal
22. Jugular Foramen
23. Carotid Canal
24. Foramen Spinosum
25. Foramen Ovale
26. Foramen Lacerum
27. Vomer
28. Transverse Palatine Suture
29. Median Palatine Suture
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